What’s New?
What’s new this week at Emergency Medical Paramedic?
We’ve created a free Smartphone Paramedic App that covers:
1. Paramedic Study Notes (for each individual type of medical/trauma case)
2. Paediatric Notes (for those like me who will never be able to memorize specific age brackets for paediatric vital signs).
3. An ECG Tutorial with a picture of each type of rhythm
4. Paramedic skills
5. Paramedic Case Studies (for interesting reading when you’re stuck in hospitals or preparing for paramedic exams).
If you have a smart phone go to http://www.emergencymedicalparamedic.com and it should automatically open up as a mobile app.
Any problems or suggestions let me know.
Do you have an interesting case or difficult paramedic question? Post it on the Paramedic Forum
Current unanswered paramedic questions on the forum include:
1. Are Asians immune to emphysema?