Fly in Fly Out Jobs for Paramedics
Paramedics are well suited to work in a variety of fly in fly out jobs. These include: working on oil rigs, mines, film sets, industrial sites, construction sites, and for a private paramedics service provider at sponsored events. Fly in fly out jobs are generally paid at a higher hourly rate to compensate for the disruption to your lifestyle and travel time.
Working as a paramedic on a fly in fly out basis has both pros and cons. The pros include: excellent rate of pay, good separation between work and home life, and generally additional leave benefits. The cons include: away from home and family on a regular basis. Unable to do anything else while you’re at work. You are completely committed to the job while away. This means that you don’t get to come home after the day’s work and generally means that you are “owned” by the company for 7 days straight.
Fly in Fly Out Paramedic Jobs Income
Paramedics who work on a fly in fly out job basis are generally well renumerated for their jobs. Paramedics are generally considered specialists by mines (not to mention a legislative requirement under the occupational health and safety act) and are paid accordingly. Paramedics make a similar hourly pay to government based paramedics, but are renumerated with living away from home allowances, disturbance allowances, meal allowances and remote area living allowances that increase the annual income well into excess of $120 000!