How to do CPR
CPR stands for cardio pulmonary resuscitation and is the only resuscitation technique in cardiac arrest that has any scientific evidence of having an affect on the survival outcomes of the patient.
CPR was first identified as earlly as 1760, when attempts at resuscitation following cardiac arrest were documented in Amersterdam. Because Amersterdam had many canals and water ways, there was an unnaturally high level of drownings. Consequently a society of intelligent persons gathered to form the “Society for the Recovery of Drowned Persons.”
Over the years CPR has progressed and changed many times. The International Liason Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR) was developed in 1992 and was designed to bring together the many committees and associations on the topic of best practices for CPR.
How to perform CPR based on the currently recommendations by the ILCOR:
The most simple CPR guidelines:
In the most simplest terms as a layperson or bystander, who witnesses a cardiac arrest or come across an unconscious person you should:
1. Push down fast and firmly on the center of the chest at a rate of about 100/minute.
2. If trained and confident: provide chest compressions at a rate of 30 compressions to 2 breaths. Remember, the most important thing in CPR is the chest compressions!
3. Keep going for as long as you can or until paramedics arrive and take over (if you still have strength to keep going, the paramedics may ask you to continue with the chest compressions while they provide the casualty with a breathing tube, defibrillation and cardiac drugs).
CPR may not resurrect a person in cardiac arrest, but without CPR, the casualty has no chance of survival.
Thank you for taking the time to read this. Remember, the most likely person that you will ever provide CPR to, will be a family member or close friend.
For more information on the International Liason Committee on Resuscitation, please follow this link: ILCOR