TRACEM is an mneumonic used by HAZMAT and Paramedics in order to determine the type of damage possible from a hazardous material. This becomes particularly important when responding to incidents which include unknown materials, liquids or gasses. In some cases, paramedics have recognised the danager of a hazardous material, taken precautions to protect themselves, only to die from an un-recognised hazardous threat.
What Does TRACEM Mean?
TRACEM stands for:
Thermal: heat sources, radiant heat, burning, sun.
Radiological: nuclear reactions (fuels) by-products, and nuclear bombs (dirty bombs).
Asphixation: oxygen theft, heavy gases, carbon monoxide.
Chemical: toxic or corrosive chemicals.
Etiological: biological hazards and accidental or designed virus strains and bacteria.
Mechanical: such as trauma from mechanical sources, such as bullets, shrapnel, vehicles, and building collapse.
HAZMAT Identification Chart
As a paramedic, you are likely to be the first persons on the scene of an accident involving hazardous material. For your own safety and that of others it is important to recognise the signs of a hazardous incident and take early actions to mitigate the risks. If you suspects something, evacuate the area upwind (the opposite direction to the one that the wind is flowing) and contact HAZMAT.